We're passionate about design, architecture, and interiors, exploring space-defining wooden constructions with selected materials.
what we do

At the intersection of design, communication and architecture, studio milz designs and manufactures wooden constructions in various scales and formats, emphasizing aesthetics and human experience. Our focus lies on working with high-quality materials to build temporary constructions, spatial designs, exhibition architectures, interiors and unique objects.

We create frameworks for content and topics, stage spaces, visualize stories and processes, and communicate messages. Our work takes into account recyclability and reusability, which are integrated into our design from the very start.


Experimental design
→ space defining wooden constructions and high quality materials are aesthetically combined.

Visionary ideas
→ innovation, technology and traditional craftsmanship

Holistic design and manufacturing process
→ concept, design, prototyping, production and construction.

Innovative sustainable approach
→ non-destructive disassembling, material refurbishing using JOYN CIRCULAR, Transition Form Design concept

We focus on each individual connection. From traditional wood-in-wood joinery to sturdy, detachable wedge joints, and the precise integration of panel materials, we can develop a customized design for almost every application.

how it's done

The studio combines a design office for conceptualization and planning, along with a workshop for fabrication and construction. Within this arrangement, a unique design and manufacturing process was developed, the


The JOYN MACHINE is a rapid manufacturing method for framework construction that combines digital drafting methods, progressive design and traditional wood joinery. This unique design process innovates the entire project journey, from design and manufacturing to the final product.

Further it allows us to experiment with various designs, materials, and techniques while maintaining control over each stage and implementing specific requirements directly. Moreover, the method facilitates the incorporation of selected materials into a construction, seamlessly blending them with the architecture.

who we are

studio milz, is a Berlin-based interdisciplinary design studio, founded by Simon Deeg and Andreas Picker in 2015. Theory and practice, planning and implementation are always linked together – as thinking craftsmen and crafting thinkers.

We don't see our work as just some standardized, repetitive job. Instead, we approach each project as a new and individual challenge, which we tackle with passion, vision, and innovation to achieve the best possible result.

feel free to contact us
selected projects

*click pictures for details
